Hi, and thanks for making it here! I hope you find content that's helpful for you.
This place is still a work in progress, but I wanted to lay out what I'll be doing in this space and why.
I've been working in the Education industry for 10 years from outside the Academic world. I've worked in Sales & Marketing into and around Higher/Further Education and that's given me the opportunity to speak to a huge array of academics, school leaders and senior management.
One of the things that has struck me is that each institution has pockets of excellence in different areas, but no one has "solved" all problems that arise in Higher Ed. You tend to see a reliance on self-promotion in the space, with exemplary academics having to push hard to get their ideas recognised, ratified and endorsed by their institutions. That requires a lot of energy to stay motivated when it feels like an uphill climb at every step.
Part of my mission here is to elevate and celebrate the visionaries in the industry; to drive attention to their ideas and to help socialise innovation more openly.
The plan at the moment is to create an easy-to-understand guide to the latest buzzwords, fads, themes and ideas in the Higher Education space. That will include long-form podcasts (i have a lot of experience creating these in different job roles in the past, but this is my first solo venture so be kind please!), 5-minute tips videos that condense a set of long conversations I've had into 5 minute think-pieces, and written blog posts that will allow wider flow of info.
I'll be posting regularly so if you would like to subscirbe and keep in the loop I'd be so grateful!